Friday, February 29, 2008

But, Seriously

I was going to post about finding a disgustingly long hair on my chin, and write a funny, self-deprecating post about how I'm turning into my grandmother at the tender age of 22. I cannot bring myself to write that this evening.

On my profile, I list that I work for a nonprofit. The specific field is child abuse prevention. The agency I work for has a crisis/respite nursery for parents who feel in danger of harming their children. We often receive calls from parents who feel at the end of their rope. Sometimes the only thing they need is a day off to clean the house and do the grocery shopping without children running around being kids. We are happy to help them. Sometimes the circumstances are far more serious. These more serious calls break my heart.

Children the world over are suffering from child abuse. Low-income levels, substance abuse, multiple children, single parents, domestic violence--these are all triggers that cause parents to react in violence to their own children. My city is the methamphetamine capital of the United States. With meth use often comes poverty, and with poverty and drug use, there is a high level of child abuse. My agency exists to stop parents from harming their children.

I hate the days when I get calls about parents referred to our various programs. I wish that they would decide to come to us before hurting their children. I wish that there was an end in sight to the problem of child abuse.

There is no end in sight. Yes, my agency makes a difference in the lives of the families we serve, but for every family we serve, three others are out there not being served. It is a gargantuan task. Seeing changes in families makes my job worthwhile, and causes me to continue to hope. However, as a Christian, I understand that I live in a fallen world. Sin is ever-present. There will never be a day when my agency is not needed. This saddens me and makes my heart ache for the thousands of children who live in fear of their own parents--the very people they are most supposed to trust and respect.

Please join with me in praying for these children and their parents. It is only the work of Christ in the world that will put an end to this problem.

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