Thursday, June 25, 2009

Two posts in two days, I've got a fever!

And the only solution is more HARRY POTTER!!!

So, surfing the internet this evening, I came across this playlist:

It's the story of Harry Potter, in a musical! The entire thing is posted. It's on my to-do list to watch the entire thing. Join me in this noble quest.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Food for Thought

The Geek and I were on a roll tonight. Some snippets of our conversation:

Upon telling him about the odd nomenclature of flowers, i.e. dianthus, amaryllis, etc. and how difficult it is to remember them all, he responded with this quip: "A rose by any other name is unmemorable."

And a question was posed by yours truly: "Would boxer shorts with the Xbox logo be rightly referred to as 'Xboxers?'

Think on those, my friends. It's summer, a time of blessed little brain taxation.